Thanks for stopping by the FLOOMP landing page. This thing is just getting started, so hop on our email list and we’ll keep you updated on all the latest FLOOMP news.

We’re six regular dads who have been friends since college back in the late 90’s. DVal (D-Train), C-Note, Blang, AG (TurboArm), Thom (Thommer), and Gilbert. Every year—for the past 25 years in a row—we’ve gotten together for one weekend to pretty much solely play yard games. (A beer might have been consumed.) This past year (2022) we decided it was time we invented a yard game of our own. FLOOMP was born! 

We’re not out to get rich and famous or create the next pickleball, we just want to introduce one more fun option when you and you friends and family are tired of cornhole.


FLOOMP is the sound a tennis ball makes when you launch if out of a tube. That also pretty much sums up game play. A FLOOMP team consists of 2 players. One player launches two balls out of the FLOOMP tube while the other player attempts to catch those balls in their FLOOMP tube. Catch one in the air, 3 points. Catch one after one bounce, 1 point. Catch both out of the air!!? Game over! Simple and SO MUCH FUN.

Drop Us a Line

If you’ve got questions, are interested in investing, own a large US plastic tube manufacturing facility, or just want to tell us how fun it is to say the word “FLOOMP”, shoot us a note. Heck, if you want to get your hands on some prototypes, email us and we’ll work something out.